However,,,yep there it is,,,the dreaded "However." We, Pat & I, do not believe we are going to win any brownie points here, but here goes.
Twitter, is jammed full of millions of outraged tweets about what we consider to be horrific happennings in Iran. While they are indeed horrific, I, we have some thoughts.
What about our own ‘killing fields’? Yes, Right here in the US of A.
What about what we have going on right here in the USA?
- 4 year olds shot & killed in drive by shootings. Where is the massive outrage?
- Newborns being left for dead by their Mothers. Where is the massive outrage?
- Men killing their entire families, including children. Where is the massive outrage?
- Men throwing infants out of car windows to their deaths. Where is the massive outrage?
- Healthcare. Where is the massive outrage?
- Children without any food for an entire weekend or more. Where is the massive outrage?
- Homeless people who want help, being left out, left behind. Where is the massive outrage?
- Homeless women being used as drug dealers prostitutes? Where is the mazzive outrage?
- Homeless elderly, Men, Women & Vets. Where is the massive outrage?
- Homeless children. WHERE is the massive outrage?
- Our economy destroying businesses and lives due to greed. Where is the massive outrage?
- Homeless being murdered in cold blood, men AND women. Where is the massive outrage?
- How about the football coach murdered in his gym locker room this Wednesday 6/24/09 morning? Where is the massive outrage?
- Child abuse, prostitution, trafficing. Where is the massive,,key word,,massive outrage?
- How about when my friend Candy was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, shot 5 times in the face at point blank range and left in a street gutter in Minneapolis MN. Where was the massive outrage? There was absolutely zero, except for my massive outburst against her husband at the funeral parlor in a back room.
Ok, yes, I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. Orrrrr, if you want to add more to this list, just pull up any news page. and look for horrofic things going on in our country. You will be overwhelmed,,,HOWEVER, YOU will NOT have the massive outrage like there is over the IRAN issues or anywhere else around the globe for that matter.
No, I do not believe in divisions of area, and yes i believe everyone needs help. But, what i do not understand is how we can turn our heads to the horrors which are going on in our own Country daily, every second of every day.
In fact, ok,,,,,lets just stop for a minute,,,,,,,,,,I hate to even think of the reality of in our USA, in the time it has taken for me to write this blog, post it and for you to read it and get upset about it,,,,,just how many children and women were just abused sexually, physically or verbally,,how many children just went hungry,,,how many murders were there, how many homeless wanting help were ignored, how many families refused healthcare, how many homeless men, women & children were abused,
The saddest thing? Many people think there are enough, plenty of Assistance Organizations in the USA.
The problem is, ALL the Assistance Organizations combined in the USA cannot handle all of the horrific things which take place. We do not have the proper funds, or the amount of people needed to do the work.
Do not get me wrong. There is enough money out there. There is enough talented people to do the work.
Neither,,,,, is properly applied in the USA.
Sad. How sad.
An additional word from my fiance' Pat:
We are so quick to go to the aid of foreign countries when our own country is rotting from within. We should be outraged, and ashamed. You want to be angry, you want to help someone? The first move is the action of taking care of YOUR OWN. We (families) are not strong at the roots any longer – we need to fertilize the ‘field of dreams’ this country once was. That is done by providing time, energy (money, if you have it) to our primary responsibility – our own families. You say you don’t have any children, how about your brother or sister’s children? How are your parents doing? How is your best friend “REALLY” doing? Do you know or are you allowing yourself to be distracted by the propaganda the media is feeding us that takes us away from what we SHOULD BE DOING. Yes, we are our brother’s keeper – and our brothers/sisters are right here. We, STA, work at the root causes of the homeless and suicidals demise because it is their families, their friends, their country who have murdered them in a much subtler way than shooting. They are the living dead and there is no doubt one of them BELONGS to you. It is only when our foundation is strong, that it can withstand the burden of addressing other countries needs. Start from within – then when the crop is good – share it.