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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Reporting on the Homeless,,,,,,,

OK,,,I know I am going to get slammed on this one, but oh well, so be it.

This is in regards to people whether they be Students from some college or just someone on the street wanting to better their media business and get their name plastered all over the internet, Twitter and wherever.

But, of course I do realize there are a number of good people out there who feel they are reporting therefore creating awareness.

Ok, I will say it. As an HAO(Homeless Assistance Organization), I do not like it. Do not appreciate it.

Please do not ever forget,,,You or I could be homeless at any moment,,no matter what our wealth is,,,,how would YOU want to be treated?

I feel there are things that should be reported on and awareness created in reference to them etc. Things like starving children, pedophiles, drug dealers, murderers and on and on. I need not list all of them here as you get my point I am sure.

I am not saying you shouldn't report on Homelessness at all. I am saying be smart about it. Think about them. Report on their needs,,,their plight,,,,their desires,,,,personalities,,,strengths,,,,friends,,,,sorrows,,,,BUT,,,BUT do not report on their whereabouts,,,their locations.

Leave that up to us as the HAO's. We know where they are. We know who they are. We know what they are doing and in some shape or form we are most likely working to assist those folks. No, I do not think all HAO's are great and wonderful. BUT, we all work closely with the local authorities. Leave the locations of the Homeless up to the HAO's please.

Do we really need someone to tell us there are starving children in our cities? Do we really need someone to tell us there are homeless people wandering our streets? If we do then I suggest we re-evaluate ourselves. Take a closer look around. In this economy especially, but even in great times we have homelessness and starving children etc everywhere.

I am not talking about the kids in Ethiopia, Darfur etc,,,,this is NOT the type of reporting or documenting I am in reference to here.

Specifically, to site an example so as to set the tone here: In May of this year 2009 a USC Student researching homelessness spotted the opening to a homeless camp under the HWY 10 freeway in LA near the San Gabriel River.

The result of this was the expulsion of those homeless to the streets. Ohhhhh sure,,,the articles stated how it is better because the City will find them a new place to live. No, no they will not. It is not that simple. Not the folks that were living in this specific area or any area like it anywhere in this country or world for that matter. These people are seasoned and take much creative effort to get off the streets. More then just taking them out and placing them in a shelter or a down trodden apartment some place where they will be back out on the street in a week or less.

One of the people who lived under that freeway stated he lived there because he did not want people to feel uneasy because he was around,,,,so he chooses to stay out of public view.

What if your sister or brother felt that way,,or your Mother or Father? Or son or daughter? What would you say? How would you feel?

Please do not ever forget,,,You or I could be homeless at any moment,,no matter what our wealth is,,,,how would YOU want to be treated?

So, what happened in this LA HWY 10 Homeless Camp case? A student, wanting to do good in their class did a story and exposed a number of homeless people which in turn got those people dumped out of their,,,,,what they considered their secure living space and into the streets again.

IF,,,,IF there was anyone working with them to get them off the streets,,,permanently,,,permanently,,,,,,,well they were just set back massively. Lots of damage done. Lots of work just tossed out the window because someone wanted a story.

Here is the thing. Homeless people need a "safe" or what they consider a "safe" place to lay their head at night. If they can find a place to lay it and not be hurting anyone,,,,what is wrong with that? Are they doing illegal things down there? OF COURSE? So, are you going to try and tell me now that right now,,right this very second,,in fact every second of every day there isn't intensely illegal things going on in Hotels, Five Star Hotels, peoples homes, cars, offices, churches, etc etc? OF COURSE there is, so please do not make it as any different just because a homeless person is doing it under a bridge. There are many many homeless people NOT doing illegal things and we do not know to what exact extent if any was happening under this LA freeway. Do not worry, we as HAO's do extensive work on helping keep your Cities safe from illegal activities. So much more then anyone realizes. How about someone reports on that?

Or, why do you not go and film that drug dealer who is in the lot 30 feet from you selling the drugs to and or abusing the homeless men women and children you are reporting on? Why? Because you know he will Kill you. At the very least have you beaten. Or maybe because you do not see it?

My point is this,,,,We will go out and when we see the illegal activity we work with those people to try and turn them around, help them Take Back Their Life. Help them move forward to get off the streets. You are always always going to have people who want to stay on the streets and never leave. That is just a fact.

However, if you are going to report on them and watch them get put out in the street,,,,are you going to be there to assist them? Assist them in getting food? Assist them in getting housing? Counseling? Medical care? Showers ? Haircuts? Clothing? Transportation? Laundering? Work? Education? ID's? Paperwork? All in the same day/week?

No, not usually. You are going to go back to your college and get your A on your paper. Or you are going to go to your next City and do your next story on your next tent city or what ever it is you choose. It is left up to the HAO's to pick up your slack, the mess you just created or the damage you just did to what ever progress the case managers might have been having with those homeless people you just uprooted.

Bottomline, I know you are not doing it on purpose, or I should hope you are not. But unless you are in the position of assisting the homeless as an HAO or at the very least committed to the work, then you will not most likely agree with me. But the thing is, unless you are doing the work out there, you do not realize the damage which is done when something like this happens. When homeless are all of a sudden uprooted from their place of "security" or what they believe to be "secure."

Before you report and throw photos etc all over the place, think of the consequences first. Think of the homeless FIRST. Then think of the HAO's that might have been working with them and what consequences they might incur. Want to research? Then talk to the homeless there,,,,,ask them if they are working with anyone anywhere,,,,,they will tell you even if it was a long time ago,,,then go to that HAO and ask them about the person and advise them what you are planning to expose. At least this way they can try to reduce the damage you will do to people.

Remember, these are people,,,not products!

Please do not ever forget,,,You or I could be homeless at any moment,,no matter what our wealth is,,,,how would YOU want to be treated?

Remember,,,,, "RID" (Respect, Integrity, Determination)