Did you know that our homeless assistance program is supported entirely by charitable donations? Straight Ahead Outreach does not receive any funding from government, or other charities. We are solely dependent on the donations our supporters provide. So, please give generously towards the efforts of Straight Ahead Outreach – Taking Back Your Life Inc., in our efforts to assist, educate and turn around the lives of the homeless of Knoxville, TN.
***2/23/2010- Currently, none of us at Straight Ahead Outreach (Taking Back Your Life) Inc. takes a salary from any donations and never have. One day we hope to, but at this current time we do not.
To DONATE, Please go to: www.homelesscrisis.blogspot.com and click on the PayPal DONATE button.
We Thank You In Advance!
3/22/2010: URGENT NEED: $500.00 needed for 6 month vehicle insurance for our Mobile Crisis unit Van. Due before April 5th, 2010. Or, $90.00 for the renewal deposit.
1 ) Rear Tires for our 1995 Chevy Mobile Crisis van. - Obtained
2 ) Tune up for our 1995 Chevy Mobile Crisis van. - Approx $200 needed
3) Rear Brakes for 1995 Chevy Mobile Crisis van. - Approx $125.00 needed
4 ) Wheelchair Ramp for van-we currently use a piece of plywood. - Approx $150.00 needed.
5 ) Two Laptop computers for Mobile use- Our current PC is very outdated and our one laptop which was used has finally wore out and is inoperable. – Approx $1200.00 needed.
6 ) High Volume Printer/Copier/Scanner – Approx $500.00 needed
7 ) Three motorized scooters for Straight Ahead Outreach activities – Approx $3900.00 needed
8 ) Three Kayaks for outreach activities and our friends in need nature therapy - Approx $1500.00 needed
9 ) Bicycles in good working condition to be given to our friends in need so they may get to job interviews, parole office and doctor appointments on time. – Approx $50-$75 each up to approx 25 bicycles.
10 ) Need to replace our current 1995 Chevy Mobile Crisis Van-Currently it has over 210,000 miles on it and is used in all activities including travel between Knoxville TN and St. Petersburg FL. – You may Donate one if you like :-))!
11) Funds for travel expenses between Knoxville TN and St. Petersburg FL. – Approx $1250.00 each trip.
Please DONATE Today!
We Thank You In Advance!