***URGENT*** We are in desperate need to help Donna raise a minimum of $1070.06 to pay a past rent bill in order for Donna to keep her current housing in Oak Ridge, TN., and to prevent her from becoming homeless again. Your donated monies may go directly to the source which is KCDC of Knoxville. They will even take your payment right over the phone. We want to raise more then the $1070.06 for Donna so we may increase her quality of life. Please call me for details on how to help Donna and KCDC payment info. Your Donations are Tax Deductible.
Call me anytime, 24/7 on my cell: 865-964-1461
Call me anytime, 24/7 on my cell: 865-964-1461
If we are able to pay off DONNA's past debt of $1070.06 then OAK RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY will be able to assist Donna properly, but cannot until KCDC is paid off
100% of every dollar YOU give this week will go directly to and 100% to DONNA's back rent at KCDC (Knoxville Community Development Corporation) Knoxville's Housing Authority. KCDC's contact information is 865-403-1201 (Linda T.). Your donations may also go directly to them in DONNA's name. Please call me for details.
You may read more about DONNA at our website: http://www.homelesscrisis.wordpress.com/
Thank you, Lance Greene/Founder - Straight Ahead Outreach (Taking Back Your Life) Inc.
CELL: 865-964-1461
100% of every dollar YOU give this week will go directly to and 100% to DONNA's back rent at KCDC (Knoxville Community Development Corporation) Knoxville's Housing Authority. KCDC's contact information is 865-403-1201 (Linda T.). Your donations may also go directly to them in DONNA's name. Please call me for details.
You may read more about DONNA at our website: http://www.homelesscrisis.wordpress.com/
Thank you, Lance Greene/Founder - Straight Ahead Outreach (Taking Back Your Life) Inc.
CELL: 865-964-1461