The following is a photo of the van we currently use as our Mobile Crisis Unit. It has over 200,000 miles on it and is in need of repairs. It needs to be replaced actually, But we would still retain it for helping our "friends" move etc.

We need to obtain the following type unit. The photo shows what the graphics would look like which are being designed by Creative Edge Graphics of Knoxv

This is the building we want to obtain and remodel to include eleven, 300 sq ft efficiency/1 bdrm style apartments including 3 handicapped accessible apartments, a coffee house/deli, thrift store and activity center/main offices and laundry facility.

All this information can also be found on our webite at:
Thank you, please DONATE today.
Please go to:
You will find the address for mailing your donations at the above website link. Please remember, we are not 501c3 rated yet but we are working on this. So please, give from your heart and because you can. Your donations may or may not be tax deductible. We will be glad to meet with the IRS on your behalf to provide any documentation they need to prove the donation and its purposes. At this time please give knowing it may or may not be tax deductible, but rather just because you want to make a big difference in bettering the homeless communities.
Thank you, Lance Greene/Founder- Straight Ahead Outreach-Taking Back Your Life( "STA")