I am not from Knoxville. But, I have fallen in love with Knoxville and care very deeply about her homeless problem.
I am from Minnesota. That is where I started all this craziness I call Straight Ahead Outreach. In 1985, I started going under the bridges with lunchmeat scraps from all the local convenience stores/delis, some bread, blankets and coffee. It progressed from helping the homeless to helping suicidals and the homeless.
We are at the point right now, where we are unable to go any further in doing the work we do, due to lack of funds. Everything we have done for the homeless has come out of our wages, now we are now tapped out.
In the last 23 years of doing this work we have received $1,820.00, all of it between 2008 and this year 2009 including $1,200.00 from one specific donor. We never sought donations before this, it was all very private work we did. Now with as public as I have made it, obviously it has become a much different story.
In order to continue this work, we need to raise basic funds at the very least. We are needing to take the work to a more advanced level in order to properly assist our homeless “friends.”
We are wondering if you could help us raise the funds needed for this plan.
We want you to know, we are fully committed. We can help people just so far and then we need the money, resources and facilities to back up what we get them to commit to.
Anything you can give will help. Please help with as much as you can without hurting you, your family or business.
We envision eventually, 10 facilities like the one we describe on our website. The more we do this work the more people we attract to help with the work. Also, we know Jesus will bring them to us. He will bring the exact fit we need. We will seek out others and he will help us do so. I know, I know, sounds weird - but really isn’t.
We can help the people. We will do the work.
To make a long story very short, there are a large number of people out there in situations which are dire due to violence, medical or mental issues. In some ways I consider them all to be laying prostrate. It is just some are worse than others.
Straight Ahead Outreach will make it a point to ask each and every individual we interview if they have seen anyone, anywhere in the condition they consider as “laying prostrate.” If we get information on a condition such as this, I personally will go anytime, anywhere and assist local authorities in locating and assisting the individual. This means even after they are hospitalized or what have you, we will assist the local authorities with research of family members, records etc. and/or locating facilities to handle them on a long term basis. We will perform the footwork required to obtain the services and support they may need.
The First, NOT for Profit – NON-Non-Profit
We are in need of those of you who want to use your means to give unconditionally.
Far too many give in order to elevate their position, to increase sales, or ‘for a return on investment’
Giving should be about the beneficiary. In this case the beneficiaries are the Homeless.
We continue to do this work while awaiting our 501c3 status because this work is needed NOW, not a year from now.
Straight Ahead Outreach will be based in Knoxville, TN and has been designed for individuals and/or companies who want to invest in something you believe in with the understanding that you will not make a profit or achieve a monetary gain from your investment, but rather you will have the assurance and proof that you are helping someone “Take Back Their Life.”
You will be supporting an organization performing the vital work you believe in although the business is not a 501c 3 Non Profit although we are working on this currently.
Straight Ahead Outreach-Taking Back Your Life, will be designed to not make a profit through its charitable services assisting Homeless Communities and operating similar to a non-profit . Sort of a “Pay it Forward” if you will.
“Gifts” will be accepted. Taxes and tax documents will be filed as normal. Write-offs, deductibility as normal business will allow. We will also conduct “self audits” and converse with the IRS to determine additional deductibility for businesses to make it more cost effective and appealing to you, the potential Gifter.