I have been working intensely for over more then 8 wks via Twitter and phone with a sister of a lady in Indy who has extensive mental health issues & was to be evicted from her Fathers house due to him passing. Evicted via Sheriff last Thurs, sent to hospital for evaluation, then to a mental health facilty, where she was released after the damned 72 hr rule. Where was she released to? The Streets! Exactly what i was afraid would happen. Happens everyday, YES, in YOUR community TOO! We, we at Straight Ahead Outreach (Taking Back Your Life) Inc., spend endless hours with these who we call our Friends In Need who end up on the streets homeless. We would like to prevent this from happening and in the case i am talking about above we could have prevented someone from being homeless. We made numerous calls to the county for assistance in this situation, to other outreach organizations in the area, the mental health facility and to the Sheriff's office. The other outreach orgs were either unwilling to assist or out of business in the rural area, nobody could help or even wanted to help. Nothing.
It is a simple fact. We do this kind of work, we spend 24 hours, 7 days a week if needed and when needed. THAT is what is needed when we release these with mental health issues to the streets. Working with them in the streets when they need it at any hour in order to gain their trust and boost their confidence. Since we as a society have deinstitutionalized America, then it is orgs like ours that are left to help these Friends In Need. The "Streets" are the "Institutions." Families cannot handle it as it is much too close and many are unwilling. We do the work, we enjoy the work. It is our "CALLING."
In order to help in situations like these, we need to travel to the persons location. THAT means money is needed or we cant help in the way that is needed. In other words, anytime of day or night. In the case above, we have not been able to physically travel there and so we were not able to prevent this case of homelessness. The family has gone through extensive unnecessary stress. We need to be there. IT takes money. Period. It is a simple fact. We still need to and are willing to go and provide our services to see what we can do for this lady, she needs the help, she deserves the help. Since the medical community does not want to help, that is their business. This lady needs to be secure. We DO help! We DO the WORK! We get them to "Take Back Their LIfe." THAT IS OUR BUSINESS!
I am angry over this, yes, i am angry, so don't even go there with me. I am tired of seeing it done this way, practiced this way, being accepted this way. We are NOT your typical outreach organization. We are only three. We do not take things lightly. We do not take any bull! We do not work 9-5 Monday through Friday. I have seen people released to the streets this way for 25 years now. It is NOT acceptable. Organizations like us that are willing to do the work and help must, must have the funds in order to do it.
Help us Do The Work. DONATE TODAY!
$1500-$2000 needed for this trip. Could be one to two weeks. Includes airfare, car, motel, food and unexpected incidentals.
Thank you!
Lance Greene / HOMELESSCRISIS and Founder of Straight Ahead Outreach (Taking Back Your Life) Inc.