YOU, can make life easier for someone Homeless. Your donations are not a handout, they are a way for STA to make life a little easier for our Homeless Friends on the street while we work to get them off the street.
Examples of How You Can Make A Difference:
$4000.00 - Creatively Attained Housing for a "Homeless Friend." - This covers 1st Months rent and Rental deposits, Utility deposits, groceries for 3 months, furniture, dishes, towels, sheets etc, everything needed to set up their apartment for living in. We believe in setting them up to succeed, not to fail. This is for Homeless Friends who are receiving SSI assistance etc and are able to pay their rent with guidance from us.
$3000.00 - Will provide current STA basic operating expenses for one month to continue our critical work in helping our Homeless Friends.
$1000.00 - Will Help Us on our way to obtaining our New Mobile Crisis/Office RV Unit -Designed to our specifications with 3 showers, 3 toilets, 2 stackable washer/dryers, handicapped lift, handicapped accessible shower, office capabilities, 3 beds and a kitchen. This would enable "STA" to have a Mobile Crisis Unit/Office where we can interview our homeless "friends" right in the streets where they are, allow them to take a shower, launder their clothes and give them a meal all at one time at any hour of the day or night. The perfect fit. Need 400 of you to please give and we will succeed and operate the unit for one year.
$1000.00 - Will supply STA with a Scooter for our qualified Homeless Friends to use to go to jobs and job interviews only.
$600.00 - Will help cover Wages for two for one week.
$200.00 - Will provide Emergency motel stays for one week to a Homeless Friend when we feel they are in danger health wise or physically and need an emergency break from the streets until we can obtain housing for them.
$140.00 - Will supply a Homeless Friend with an "Interview Package" - We interview them as to their needs and history and provide them with an Interview Package which consists of: 1 backpack, a meal with us, 1-flashlight, 1-raincoat, 1-pkg 10 pair of socks, toiletries, nutritious snack for later, $10 worth of canned goods, 1-sleeping bag. Needed personal items for women as needed, rolling tobacco as needed. (Contrary to some peoples ideals, smoking supplies are a necessity when you are on the street for some of our homeless friends.)
$80.00 - Fuel for our current Mobile Crisis Unit van for one week.
$75.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a Bicycle to get around town, to jobs and job interviews
$50.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a Tent
$50.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with misc. Clothing like jeans, shirts undergarments etc.
$50.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend one Full Meal per day for a week.
$40.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a Bus Pass for one month.
$35.00 - Will provide a Nutritious snack for later in the evening, one per day for a week.
$30.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend a Tobacco Roll ups kit - one per month.
$30.00 - Will Provide a Homeless Friend with 300 minutes of Cell Phone time.
$25.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend a Cell Phone which is quite honestly a "Lifeline" to keep in communication with us at STA, jobs or potential job interviews and more.
$25.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a Sleeping Bag.
$20.00 - Will provide specific Womans Toiletries needs.
$20.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a pair of Shoes from Walmart.
$15.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend One package of Undergarments.
$15.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a Blanket.
$12.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend a pair of Jeans from Walmart.
$10.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a package of 10 pair of Socks.
$10.00 - Will provide a Homeles Friend a Shower at Pilot Travel Centers.
$10.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend a Haircut.
$10.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with Canned goods for one week.
$10.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with 2 loads of Laundry Services.
$7.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with one Meal.
$5.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with one Snack for later in the evening.
As you will see we provide a great deal of services and even more then is listed. Yes, we provide each and every one. Just the two of us,,myself and Pat.
***Please keep in mind. While there are times when we do give some of the above supplies to a Homeless person as a handout, we do so only on a limited basis. If we are able to help them, that is when they get our full services. We at STA do not believe that just giving a handout and walking away helps someone get off the street. However, there are times when it is best to do just that and we must make a judgement call.
Please do not ever forget,,,You or I could be homeless at any moment,,no matter what our wealth is,,,,how would YOU want to be treated?