Please DONATE! Help Someone "Take Back Their Life" TODAY! We Are a Registered IRS 501c3 Nonprofit

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Will YOU Invest in a Homeless Persons Future?


Will YOU Invest in Helping the Homeless off the streets, and becoming self reliant instead of allowing them to stay stuck in the typical cyclical, chronic reliance on HAO’s (Homeless Assistance Orgs)?

Yes, I said Invest. The reality is even when you donate to a “Charitable Group” you are investing in them and what they do.

The idea we are proposing is an effort to raise funds to support our valuable community work. It is very basically a form of investing. Where one can "invest" in a Charitable Group like Straight Ahead Outreach and have a portion returned to them over a period of time or one can "gift" their investment. How this works is a person, group, or business invests in our organization with the knowledge they can elect to have 25-100% of their investment returned to them, or simply gift (donate) their investment.

As Straight Ahead Outreach receives investments and or gifts/donations we will use each one of those to repay the previous investments if an investor has requested a portion to be returned. However, the investor needs to be aware there is always a risk that their investment could be lost completely if for instance the charitable group, such as ours is not able to raise enough additional investments or donations to make the return.

While we are not a 501c3, we are a valuable, credible Charitable Group operating as a not for profit homeless assistance group supplying all our services for free. Our choice is to concentrate on the Homeless population we strive to assist, not on red tape or cumbersome processes. We will comply with all normal business rules within the IRS and will voluntarily meet with them at any time to provide information regarding our charitable activities and monetary flow.

When you invest in a 501c3 I understand you receive some tax benefits, and for many this is an attraction. Our assistance group is for investors or the everyday donor who wants to invest in something they believe in with the knowledge they can “gift” their investment, lose their investment, or select to have a percentage of the investment returned - but not make a profit or any other benefit other then the satisfaction of “Doing Good.” Sort of a Pay it Forward if you will.

Example of the Investment Scenario:
In this example we will say, Charitable Group #1 has a monthly operating cost of $4000.00 and receives the following:
Investor #1: Invests $1000.00 - Investor is asking for 25% of his/her investment back or $250.00
Investor #2: Invests $1000.00 - Investor "Gifts" entire investment - Investor does not want any returned. $1000.00 "Gifted"
Investor #3: Invests $500.00 - Investor requests 100% of investment returned over time.
Investor #4: Invests $5000.00 - Investor requests 100% of investment returned over time.

Investor #1: $1000.00 - 25% or $250 return requested over time.
Investor #2: $1000.00 – 100% "Gifted" No return desired.
Investor #3: $500.00 - 100% return requested over time.
Investor #4: $5000.00 - 100% return requested over time

Total Investments Received = $7500.00
Total Investments "Gifted" = <$1000.00>
Total Investments to return = $6500.00 Over Time
Monthly Operating Expenses for Charitable Group #1 = <$4000.00>

Charitable Group #1 has Monthly Operating Costs of $4000.00 - The Charitable group in this example needs to maintain a running balance of 3 months worth of operating expenses or in this case $12,000.00. So, they need to raise $12,000.00 before they can begin to return any requested investments. Why only 3 months? We understand this is a short time, but it will keep the group on their toes with fund raising. Yes, it will be more difficult, but without this system they would have nothing. Without you caring Investors, they would have nothing. Once that 3 months nest egg is reached they will then and only then, begin to repay the Investor his/her requested return. As the new investments/gifts come in Charitable Group #1 will then disburse return payments in the original order received beginning with Investor #1 and so on in the below manner.
Over the last 6 months Charitable Group #1 has raised the needed 3 Month Operating Expenses (Nest Egg) of: $12,000.00
They then receive a New Investment of: $2500.00, so they are $2500.00 in excess. Now they can begin the Investment repayments.

Investment repayment:
Charitable Group #1 now begins to return the Investors funds in the following order:
Investor #1: $250.00 – Investment Re-Paid in Full !
Investor #2: $0.00 - Investor "gifted" their investment. No return necessary.
Investor #3: $1000.00 – Investment Re-Paid in Full !
Investor #4: $1250.00 - Balance of $3750.00
Any new investment or monetary gift will be sent to Investor #4 until balance is Paid in Full! Once the balance is paid in full, the process then repeats itself.

Everyone’s money helping to “Do Good” in a global circle. Cool? I think so! Enjoy :-))!

**Over Time definition: Investors who are requesting a percentage of or all of their investment returned must keep in mind that their return may not begin to take place for up to and including 6-12 months. This is why we have explained this is for people who truly want to "help" a Charitable Group or Organization help others in desperate need although that group or organization is not a 501c3 IRS certified non-profit. To help unconditionally - Not for Profit. Not for the tax benefits, but for the beneficiary. In this case the Homeless Population.

Over the past 24 years of assisting the homeless, suicidal and their families, I have come to the conclusion from what I have seen and experienced that the 501c3 process actually clouds and is a deterrent to accomplishing the valuable work to be done in the community. This is why we refrain from becoming a 501c3. We believe it interferes with achieving the end result which in our case is - helping the homeless person off the street permanently and from chronic reliance on HAOs, even us Straight Ahead Outreach – Taking Back Your Life. That is where the Taking Back Your Life part comes in. We want them to have their own lives back. We want them to succeed. Permanently!

***Although we are not a 501c3, we will be in continual voluntary contact with the IRS in an effort to prove and show our charitable activities with the intention of proving our Investors and Donors true intentions of “Doing Good”. Our goal will be to ask the IRS to allow Straight Ahead Outreach-Taking Back Your Life Investors and Donors a tax deduction for those who elect to do so.

If you have any questions or concerns please email or call me anytime.
Thank you,
Lance Greene / Founder
CELL: 865-964-1461


Monday, November 16, 2009

Food Stamps program(SNAP) and the Homeless

Hi All. What I hope to accomplish here is to get the USDA's attention in regard to the Food Stamp program(SNAP) and what they allow or emit from eligible purchases.

The USDA's Food Stamp program or as it is called SNAP, issues food stamp benefits to an extremely large population of homeless all across our country. The USDA knows they are homeless. I would like to make some suggestions to them as far as ineligible food items and request they please make them eligible and will state my reasons why.

Examples of food items you may purchase as copied from the USDA website, are:

Foods for the household to eat, such as:
breads and cereals;
fruits and vegetables;
meats, fish and poultry; and
dairy products.
Seeds and plants which produce food for the household to eat.

In some areas, restaurants can be authorized to accept SNAP benefits from qualified homeless, elderly, or disabled people in exchange for low-cost meals. The State of Tennessee does not allow this at this time per the USDA.

Households CANNOT use SNAP benefits to buy:
Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco;
Any nonfood items, such as:
pet foods;
soaps, paper products; and
household supplies.
Vitamins and medicines.
Food that will be eaten in the store.
Hot foods.

Above in RED are the items I am very concerned about and would like to see addressed and considered to be eligible on SNAP. While you may purchase a cake from the bakery for example, you cannot purchase a hot food item.

In reference to the homeless: Homeless do not typically have anywhere to properly, prep, prepare or store perishable food items. Health wise this is a danger as they are unable to properly clean food items, store at a proper cold temperature or heat them to proper temperatures among numerous other dangers such as protection from parasites in preparation and storage of their food. This should actually be a no-brainer. Homeless, just like anyone else, need a nutritious, filling meal to carry them through their days and nights. Yesterday, 11/15/09, I went to the grocery store to get my groceries with my Food Stamp(SNAP) benefits. Yep, for the first time in my life due to this economy I get Food Stamps for the last 6 months. I am 50. I selected my groceries which included a prepared Hot Rotisserie Whole Chicken for $7.39. On a previous trip, I picked up a chocolate cake from the bakery for $8.99 among other additional grocery items. I was not allowed to purchase the Chicken, but was allowed to purchase the chocolate cake. In my activities helping the homeless for the past 24 years I have purchased(not with food stamps) many of the Rotisserie Chickens, prepared hoagies/sandwiches and salads for the homeless and found them to be excellent, easy forms of nutritious meals for them. The chickens alone I have seen feed up to 4 people. That's incredible to feed 4 people for anywheres from $5.99 - $7.39.

So, simply, I would like to see the Hot Food items from the deli areas etc on the eligible list. Things like the following:
ALL Hot Food Items such as and including Hot Rotisserie Chicken

1) This is "Prevention". What it will do is help to prevent the homeless from getting unnecessarily ill from poorly, improperly stored and prepared foods.
2) Another benefit of this then is some level of relief on the emergency personnel and medical facilities for these types of illnesses from the homeless population.
3) One less reason the people who receive the SNAP benefits will have to sell their benefits for cash in order to get easily accessible meals.

It is just common sense. The Homeless problem is obvious. Access to a good meal especially at night is not feasible. Not all homeless want to eat at a shelter. In fact this has nothing to do with the shelters. The SNAP benefits are so people can go obtain their food on their own, by themselves, take it home and prepare it and comfortably consume it. Well, the homeless do not have a home to do that.

So, please. Lets make it easier for them to feed themselves.

I am not saying it is a perfect fix, but it can alleviate some of the panhandling one feels the need to do in order to get a hot meal when on the street. No, it will not be an end all save all. And not all homeless want to panhandle. But many times they feel they have no choice.

If we authorise the Hot Foods, or anything prepared by the delis it will honestly make a huge difference to the Homeless population. After all, it is all food.

IN CLOSING: I would like to mention we are aware of the extensive work the USDA has done to try and provide these SNAP benefits to the general population and for the most part except for what I have detailed here I feel they have done an awesome job and service and Thank the USDA for their efforts.

***UPDATE: Since I wrote this post, I emailed the USDA. I have been contacted by the USDA twice in response to my emails. Also, I have updated this blog just a little to reflect their communication. Cold sandwishes and salads can be purchased on Food Stamps/SNAP and if stores are not allowing it they are in error. They provided valuable information for me to use in our efforts to assist the Homeless. I want to say, the USDA seems to be very much on the ball in their responses. They were extremely quick and professional. Our sincerest gratitiude goes out to them for their efficient communication with us.

If you agree with me please write to the below contact information at the USDA as I also will be.

Lets make a difference.

Thank you!
Straight Ahead Outreach-Taking Back Your Life / Founder
Knoxville TN.
Cell: 865-964-1461

In order to expedite future requests for determination, please submit by mail or email a complete and legible product label or a sample of the item(s) to:

Retailer Management and Issuance Branch
Benefit Redemption Division
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
USDA, Food and Nutrition Service
3101 Park Center Drive, Room 404
Alexandria, VA 22302

Friday, November 13, 2009

Examples of How You Can Make A Difference

Did you know that our homeless assistance program is supported entirely by charitable donations? Straight Ahead Outreach does not receive any funding from government, or other charities.We are solely dependent on the donations our supporters provide. So, please give generously towards the efforts of Straight Ahead Outreach – Taking Back Your Life, in our efforts to assist, educate and turn around the lives of the homeless of Knoxville, TN today.

YOU, can make life easier for someone Homeless. Your donations are not a handout, they are a way for STA to make life a little easier for our Homeless Friends on the street while we work to get them off the street.

Examples of How You Can Make A Difference:

$4000.00 - Creatively Attained Housing for a "Homeless Friend." - This covers 1st Months rent and Rental deposits, Utility deposits, groceries for 3 months, furniture, dishes, towels, sheets etc, everything needed to set up their apartment for living in. We believe in setting them up to succeed, not to fail. This is for Homeless Friends who are receiving SSI assistance etc and are able to pay their rent with guidance from us.

$3000.00 - Will provide current STA basic operating expenses for one month to continue our critical work in helping our Homeless Friends.

$1000.00 - Will Help Us on our way to obtaining our New Mobile Crisis/Office RV Unit -Designed to our specifications with 3 showers, 3 toilets, 2 stackable washer/dryers, handicapped lift, handicapped accessible shower, office capabilities, 3 beds and a kitchen. This would enable "STA" to have a Mobile Crisis Unit/Office where we can interview our homeless "friends" right in the streets where they are, allow them to take a shower, launder their clothes and give them a meal all at one time at any hour of the day or night. The perfect fit. Need 400 of you to please give and we will succeed and operate the unit for one year.

$1000.00 - Will supply STA with a Scooter for our qualified Homeless Friends to use to go to jobs and job interviews only.

$600.00 - Will help cover Wages for two for one week.

$200.00 - Will provide Emergency motel stays for one week to a Homeless Friend when we feel they are in danger health wise or physically and need an emergency break from the streets until we can obtain housing for them.

$140.00 - Will supply a Homeless Friend with an "Interview Package" - We interview them as to their needs and history and provide them with an Interview Package which consists of: 1 backpack, a meal with us, 1-flashlight, 1-raincoat, 1-pkg 10 pair of socks, toiletries, nutritious snack for later, $10 worth of canned goods, 1-sleeping bag. Needed personal items for women as needed, rolling tobacco as needed. (Contrary to some peoples ideals, smoking supplies are a necessity when you are on the street for some of our homeless friends.)

$80.00 - Fuel for our current Mobile Crisis Unit van for one week.

$75.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a Bicycle to get around town, to jobs and job interviews

$50.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a Tent

$50.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with misc. Clothing like jeans, shirts undergarments etc.

$50.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend one Full Meal per day for a week.

$40.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a Bus Pass for one month.

$35.00 - Will provide a Nutritious snack for later in the evening, one per day for a week.

$30.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend a Tobacco Roll ups kit - one per month.

$30.00 - Will Provide a Homeless Friend with 300 minutes of Cell Phone time.

$25.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend a Cell Phone which is quite honestly a "Lifeline" to keep in communication with us at STA, jobs or potential job interviews and more.

$25.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a Sleeping Bag.

$20.00 - Will provide specific Womans Toiletries needs.

$20.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a pair of Shoes from Walmart.

$15.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend One package of Undergarments.

$15.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a Blanket.

$12.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend a pair of Jeans from Walmart.

$10.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with a package of 10 pair of Socks.

$10.00 - Will provide a Homeles Friend a Shower at Pilot Travel Centers.

$10.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend a Haircut.

$10.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with Canned goods for one week.

$10.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with 2 loads of Laundry Services.

$7.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with one Meal.

$5.00 - Will provide a Homeless Friend with one Snack for later in the evening.

As you will see we provide a great deal of services and even more then is listed. Yes, we provide each and every one. Just the two of us,,myself and Pat.

***Please keep in mind. While there are times when we do give some of the above supplies to a Homeless person as a handout, we do so only on a limited basis. If we are able to help them, that is when they get our full services. We at STA do not believe that just giving a handout and walking away helps someone get off the street. However, there are times when it is best to do just that and we must make a judgement call.

Please do not ever forget,,,You or I could be homeless at any moment,,no matter what our wealth is,,,,how would YOU want to be treated?

How Will Your Donation Gifts be Used?

Did you know that our homeless assistance program is supported entirely by charitable donations?Straight Ahead Outreach does not receive any funding from government, or other charities. We are solely dependent on the donations our supporters provide. So, please give generously towards the efforts of Straight Ahead Outreach – Taking Back Your Life, in our efforts to assist, educate and turn around the lives of the homeless of Knoxville, TN today.Here is where and how your donation gifts will be utilized.

Please click on the links below for detailed spreadsheet information.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Not For Profit - Non-Non-Profit

The First, NOT for Profit – NON-Non-Profit

We are in need of those of you who want to use your means to give unconditionally. Far too many give in order to elevate their position, to increase sales, or ‘for a return on investment’ Giving should be about the beneficiary.

In this case the beneficiaries are the Homeless.

No, at this time we are not 501(c)3 however, as of 3/16/09 we filed the 501c paperwork with our attorney, but for some reason our attorney decided to drop the ball and so now it has put us off track. Personally I believe it happened for a reason and so I am not pursuing it any further at this time. However, everything we provide to those we help is 100% Free of Charge, done in a charitable manner.

Straight Ahead Outreach's activities are based out of Knoxville, TN and has been designed for individuals and/or companies who want to invest in something you believe in with the understanding that you will not make a profit or achieve a monetary gain from your investment, but rather you will have the assurance and proof that you are helping someone “Take Back Their Life.” You will be supporting an organization performing the vital work you believe in although the business is not a 501c 3 Non Profit although everything we do is Charitable and our products, supplies and services are free to those we help.

Straight Ahead Outreach-Taking Back Your Life, will be designed to not make a profit through its charitable services assisting Homeless Communities and operating similar to a non-profit. Sort of a “Pay it Forward” if you will. "Gifts” will be accepted. Taxes and tax documents will be filed as normal. Write-offs, deductibility as normal business will allow. We will also conduct “self audits” and converse with the IRS to determine additional deductibility for businesses to make it more cost effective and appealing to you, the potential Gifter.

You know what we do already. If you do not, please take a look at our website:

If you have any questions or concerns, you may call me anytime on my Cell anytime: 865-964-1461

Thank you and I hope you have a pleasant day!

Lance Greene - @Homelesscrisis / Straight Ahead Outreach-Taking Back Your Life
My hopes for you today: That you take time to laugh. That business or work has been good for you today. That someone has made your day enjoyable.

Continuing the work of Doing Good

Just a short note to ask you a favor. Please go to our website read a little about what we do and what our goals are. If you like what we do and are trying to accomplish, please if you are able make a contribution to our work by clicking on the "Donate" button here on this blog site.

Please be aware, we are not a 501c3 non-profit. However, 100% of the products and services we provide to those we help are done on a charitable basis Free of Charge. If needed, we would be glad to provide you with any documentation or speak to the IRS to show your donation was truly for charitable work.

If you have any questions or concerns you may call me on my Cell anytime: 865-964-1461

Thank you!! Lance Greene - @Homelesscrisis/Straight Ahead Outreach Founder