satan: So what comes to your mind when you hear the word....SATAN??
Devil? God of this System of things? Horrible? Dreadful? Murderer? Deceiver? Darkness? Selfish? Disrespector of the Creator? (is disrespector even a word?? LOL) One who disguises himself as an Angel of Light (again deceiver), we could go on and on, but you get the idea.
Bottom line we have been taught to Hate him. Who is he? Where did he come from? Many of you know, however I am confident and have personal proof there are many who do not know or even believe he is real. Well, the answers, if you know Jesus, or if you really know your Creator, who ever that may be to you, you will know the answers.
Our Creator, created the perfect, yes perfect being who became satan. He became satan, he chose to be full of himself, he was not created as satan. Just as a child is born and becomes a murderer or the like. A parent does not set out to give birth to a murderer and our Creator did not set out to create satan as satan. You can see it in the Bible but it just makes good common sense also.
If you believe in the Bible, it can teach you a great deal about many things including satan. I will be very honest here. I use the Bible. I have read it, studied it and given speeches from it. However, I do not use it everyday or in everything. I believe Jesus, or who ever is your equivalent to Jesus is saying,,,,,COME ON PEOPLE,,,,Know ME,,,don't just believe everything you read! GET TO KNOW ME! SPEND TIME WITH ME! And yes, he is a tad irritated and offended that we don't,,thus the bold caps,,,:-))! I can tell you more about his personality if you like, but I am sure he will show you if you spend time talking with him.
When we get to know Him,,,we we also get to know His and our Creator. Let me ask you this. Do you need a book to get to know or to be a friend to your best friend? Noooo, you spend time with them, you talk to them. Many times you talk to them for hours on end.
So, get to know your Jesus, and your Creator...whoever that is, is the same Creator who created every single thing and every single body, soul and mind. Spend hours on end with them. You will be glad you did. You will get the answers you are looking for. Ok, no not all of them, but many of them and you will be surprised.
Ok, so where am I going with all this? Well, alot of what I just said comes from what I learned in my studying of religion. I have been a non-believer(in my younger days), then became a believer, counselor, a speaker, a minister of his word. A very nice progression I must say. Like many, we have learned what to believe from the Bible, the Koran, or the Torah, etc etc. Why not take time, take time to get to know who they are writing about? Not just take the words in those books for granted. After all, they are written by Man. Although supposedly inspired by the entities, they are still written by Man. How? Talk to your Jesus, or your Creator or both,,,all the time,,talk to them many times through the day, just like you would your best friend. TRUST me, you will get to know them better then any Bible, Koran or Torah can teach you.
Ok, BACK to satan. We are taught by religions to Hate satan,,,,,,,,,,via the Bible and teachings in the Church. Am I wrong? No. I am not. We are taught to hate satan. We are taught to keep him at bay and we as believers are given the spiritual tools to do so. To keep satan in the doghouse in a matter of speaking.
If I said to you,,,YOU the Mothers and Fathers of this world. If I said to you, your son or daughter is Horrible, they are deceitful, they are a murderer, they are darkness, they are a liar, they are a Devil!!! You would be horrified. Especially if you loved them completely because you gave birth to them, you carried them for nine months in your womb. What if everyone hated your Child? What if we as a socity taught people to hate your Child? WOW,,,,just think of that for a minute. I have. I have thought long and hard about it.
Yet, many of us have exactly these types in our families: murderers, liars, deceivers, horrible dark people who enjoy harming others. However, we will pray for that family member, friend or stranger to repent and turn around, to turn to Jesus, Jehovah, Yahweh, Buddha or some other known entity, whom ever is yours. We pray and ask them to forgive those we care about and love. To end their horribleness, to repair our families,,,,to repair our families. RIGHT??? Do you do that? Have you ever prayed for that??
So, I started to think. I know how sensitive Jesus is. I know His tenderness. I thought,,,mannn,,,what a bummer it must be to know so many people hate His brother. Thats right,,,His Brother. Then I thought and felt a great ache in my heart and deep in my Soul for our Creator. Because I also know the personality of our Creator and his sense of Love and HIS needs. HE needs us to follow HIM and to NEED HIM. HOW HORRIBLE, that we have to be taught to hate one of HIS sons, one of HIS Children,,,one of HIS creations. One of HIS FAMILY.
So, in my conversations with HIM (I call him Jehovah), and Jesus it came to me, why can we not pray for satan,,,,,thats right, I just said,,,Why Can We Not Pray For satan??? Why, can we not pray for him to be forgiven??? Why can we not pray for our Creators Family to be repaired!!?? Why can we not pray for satan to want to be forgiven?? Why can we not pray for satan to be remorseful for what he has done to our Creator and how he has shamed HIM and spit in HIS face? There is NO reason why we can't. Can you imagine what would happen if satan DID ask for forgiveness from our Creator?? WOW,,,,Peace on Earth! That's What!! COME ON!! Isn't that what everyone wants???? What is so wrong with GOD's Family being repaired?? What is so wrong with one of HIS Children being forgiven and brought back into the Family??
So, I dare you today. Talk to your Jesus, and your Creator, today, now, whomever you consider it to be and pray for satan to ask for forgiveness, to repent, to be remorseful, to be sorry. Lets be done with all this ugliness in our world today. Pray today, talk to them today!! It might not happen overnight or even in a month or a year,,,,but you just never know,,,,,if enough of us pray constantly on a daily basis "petitioning" and ask for our Creators son satan to beg for forgiveness just like we have to, then it could actually happen in an instant! World Peace in an instant! It's all up to Jehovah or whoever you call your Creator, it's all up to HIM. He does what pleases Him. He can do and change what ever He so chooses to do.
Pray TODAY,,talk to them TODAY! Petition HIM today. Ask for it in Jesus's name.
This can work! I am confident it will work!
So instead of the world ending at some unforseen date..... it could actually be wayyyyyyy before that and never need to end! :-))!
Lets give it a try! I have been praying for this for about the last month in from this 10/22/2009. Join me!
Let's help repair our Creators Family! I sincerely doubt you have heard this concept much before today.
With much excitement in me, I thank you!
Lance Greene :-))!
Straight Ahead Outreach-Taking Back Your Life Inc.